Inside Steering PWR’s Surfs Up Spring Convention

April 18, 2023
Leah Berger

Calabasas, California, United States

Class of 2024

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Just as we begin to miss IC and the memories start to feel distant, regions from all around the international order create memories at their Spring Conventions! Just a week after IC, memories still fresh in my mind, I was put in a group chat with a few other BBGs and Alephs, in which we received the exciting news that we had been selected to steer our region’s Spring Convention. This was exciting news to me because all my friends had always told me how rewarding and fun being on convention leadership was, not to mention that I love Spring Con because it was my first ever convention that really kickstarted my love for BBYO.

I knew everyone in the leadership group chat but I wouldn’t say I was exactly “close” with any of them. Naturally, it was a little intimidating to hop on the first call that Thursday. On that call, we briefly got to know each other, went over a timeline, and received our steering cos. I hadn’t realized how tight of a schedule we were on to plan it; I thought we’d have at least over a month to plan a rotation. That was not the case. That day we’d meet our co and start an outline, and jump right in. 

That day we also began planning our first night of Separates. Our BBG coordinator, Steph, had already come up with an amazing idea that we just needed to script and put into play. Steph, the two other BBG steerers, and I sat on Zoom creating a meaningful script while of course getting very off track at times, talking about outfits and school. We got it all done pretty quickly and even bonded along the way. Now of course, because Spring Con hasn’t happened yet, I’m not going to spoil the program, but I can confidently say that our separates will be one to remember.

We had a day in March to make clipboards to hold our printed programs at the convention. My co, Nate, even drove from San Diego to LA (which is around a three-hour drive!) just to join the team in bonding. Joining Steering Zooms honestly began to feel less and less like work and more like making friendships while also slowly building up the weekend. 

As I print my scripts for the weekend, I am extremely proud of how hard the whole team has worked to put together this amazing weekend for our region. I recently mentioned to my co how when we finished our script and heard about all the supplies we got for our program it felt like it  finally coming to life. As weird as that analogy may sound coming from teenagers, that’s the best way to describe the feeling of finally being ready for something we’ve spent weeks planning and fine tuning. I cannot wait to see what PWR thinks of our Surf’s Up Spring Con 2023. 

Leah is a BBG from D'vash BBG #956, Pacific Western Region, and her favorite color is pink.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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