How BBYO Has Changed Me

February 7, 2024
Sari Gross

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Class of 2026

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I believe for the most part, everyone in BBYO talks about how awesome it is and the impacts it has had on their lives. And as cliché as I think it is to say that BBYO has changed my life tremendously, it is true. When I first started going to BBYO meetings, I was a reserved, quiet, and somewhat nervous 8th grader. I was hesitant to go to my first meeting as the only person I knew there was my older sister. As I voiced my concerns to her, she reassured me that it would be okay and that I would love it. And as much as I hate to admit my sister can be right, she was right with this. I have loved every second of my time in BBYO, I have met so many incredible people, and I’ve experienced things I never could have imagined. BBYO has made me so much more excited for what is to come, to see the good in people, and simply, to have a good time. I wish everyone had the chance to join BBYO. It has truly been an experience like no other. 

Before BBYO, my friends were mostly from school and sports. But after joining BBYO, I suddenly had all of these new friends, ranging from my age to seniors in high school. I suddenly had this group of sisters I knew I could turn to whenever I needed it. I had people with whom I could truly be myself around. BBYO has become this part of me that makes me whole. BBYO has allowed me to find who I am. And most importantly, BBYO has absolutely changed my life.

Sari Gross is a BBG from St. Louis and she has 2 dogs.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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