Integrity BBG Inductions

April 16, 2024
Hailey Arnell

Long Island, New York, United States

Class of 2026

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This past Tuesday, my chapter, Integrity BBG, held our annual inductions ceremony. This is an extremely meaningful event, especially for our new members.

It started off with the board members going to all of our new members' houses and taking them to a secret location. We blindfolded them and played music very loud until we got to our location. Once we got there we removed all of the new members from the cars and sat them in a circle, with their blindfolds still on. Once everyone was there and seated we told all of the new members to remove their blindfolds for a huge reveal. Once they removed their blindfolds we held a separates. The theme was “What is your BBYO identity”, all based around the BBG cheer “identity.” After the board shared what their bbyo identities look like the new members were able to share what they want their BBYO identities to look like in the future. After our separates concluded, we moved into a spirit circle and taught all of the new members different spirit songs and chants. This got them accustomed to these cheers for our upcoming spring convention! After our spirit circle, the event sadly concluded. This was a meaningful event that hopefully every new member will remember forever.

Hailey Arnell is a BBG from Integrity BBG #0461 of the Nassau Suffolk Region and she is her chapter's Sh’licha and a competitive dancer.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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