Legislation Library

Resolutions and motions passed by the AZA & BBG Executive Body.

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Welcome to the AZA & BBG Legislation Library! This platform is a place for you to explore legislation passed at International Executive Conferences written by Alephs and BBGs from around the world.

Any teen around the world can be a part of our global democracy by submitting legislation for a future business meeting. Putting a motion or resolution on the floor is a great way to have your voice heard as a member and shape our movement in meaningful ways.

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Resolution, Spreading ‘Healthy Masculinity’ Curriculum Throughout the Order

A task force will develop programs for the Program Bank that recommit Alephs to being strong and healthy role models.

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Date Passed:

August 15, 2024

International Board:



Resolution, Commit to Action Surrounding October 7th Commemoration

BBYO commits to commemorating the atrocities of October 7th across the Movement.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 15, 2024

International Board:



Motion, Integrating the International Service Fund (ISF) into CLTC, ILTC, and International Kallah Curricula

The ISF will be formally included in the curricula of CLTC and ‘Perlman Summer’ as a core educational component.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 15, 2024

International Board:



The Renaming of Greater Jersey Hudson River Region (GJHRR)

The Greater Jersey Hudson River Region will rename itself to become the Greater Jersey Region.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2024 года

International Board:



Welcoming BBYO’s Newest Communities and Celebrating Growth

Celebrating BBYO's tremendous growth worldwide. As of February 2024, 63 countries engage with BBYO, and it is extraordinary to welcome so many new members into our Movement.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2024 года

International Board:



Distributing BBYO Personal Wellness Resource Card and Tools

A resource card consisting of resources and a pre-convention wellness checklist that will be on every member's name tag at all conventions. BBYO wellness posters will be hung at all overnight programming.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 августа 2023 года

International Board:



BBYO Sustainability Guidelines

BBYO will ideate sustainability guidelines with a group of representatives from communities across the globe.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 августа 2023 года

International Board:



Help Hawaii's Wildfire Victims

The Executive Body will release funds to help re-supply Judaica and Jewish communal supplies to the most impacted parts of Maui's Jewish community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 августа 2023 года

International Board:



August International Service Fund Allocation: Support Jewish Programming and Judaica in Central Africa

The ISF will allocate funds to the Jewish community in Uganda to support local programming and strengthen the relationship.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 августа 2023 года

International Board:



Rally Support for Turkey Earthquake Relief

AZA and BBG commit to rallying around Earthquake Relief in Turkey, providing aid and support to communities affected by the disaster.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

16 февраля 2023 года

International Board:



Launching Celebrations for BBYO’s Centennial and 100 Years of AZA

AZA and BBG will celebrate BBYO's Centennial anniversary and 100 years of AZA.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

16 февраля 2023 года

International Board:



Welcoming BBYO’s Newest Communities and Celebrating Growth

We proudly celebrate the renewed growth and community building in Boise, Idaho; Colorado Springs, Colorado; El Paso, Texas; Hamilton, Ontario; Princeton, New Jersey; Reno, Nevada; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Center City, Pennsylvania; Springfield, Massachusetts; we welcome to our global Order for the first time, Hawaii and Puerto Rico; and we honor the blossoming of BBYO in Japan, Singapore, Sweden, and Uganda.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

16 февраля 2023 года

International Board:



Establishing “Operation Dugo” as a BBYO International Holocaust Remembrance Day Initiative

Operation Dugo is introduced, joining Zikaron BaSalon, as one of BBYO's Official International Holocaust Remembrance Day Projects.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

16 февраля 2023 года

International Board:



Establish the Ruth Suzman Service and Leadership Award

BBYO will establish the Ruth Suzman Service and Leadership Award is established to celebrate teens who are committed to volunteerism, philanthropy, and integrity.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

16 февраля 2023 года

International Board:



Celebrating the 21st Maccabiah Games in Israel Organized by BBYO’s Global Partner, Maccabi World Union, andSister Movement in Israel, Maccabi Tzair

The global BBYO Movement wishes to extend its gratitude and appreciation to the Maccabi World Union and the Maccabiah movement for hosting BBYO in such meaningful, unprecedented, and gracious waysas special guests throughout the 2022 Maccabiah Games.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



Act Upon “Never Again” to Ensure the Lessons of the Holocaust Enlighten the World for the Better

BBYO will work on content and tools that enable and empower Jewish teens everywhere to share Holocaust education with BBYO peers, chapters, and the broader community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



Revive Memorializing Alephs, BBGs, and Exemplar Role Models at BBYO Perlman Camp

The Memorial Grove at BBYO Perlman Camp will be rebuild to honor and remember Alephs and BBGs who passed.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



Launch a Committee to Update the Constitutions of the Grand Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph and the InternationalOrder of the B’nai B’rith Girls

AZA and BBG will each establish committees of representatives to review and revise the BBG Constitution and the AZA Constitution and present their findings at IC 2023 in Dallas, Texas.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



Elevating International Alumni Data Collection for Prospective Engagement

BBYO's lifetime members will be contacted regularly to confirm their desire to have their information remain accurate and engaged in the Alumni Engagement Network.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



August International Service Fund Allocation: Support Jewish Programming and Judaica in Central Africa

The ISF will allocate funds to Jewish enrichment tools to support BBYO's partner communities in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



An Enduring Commitment to Ukraine’s Jewish Community, Our Brother Alephs, Sister BBGs, and Siblings inActive Jewish Teens, and All People Impacted By the Russian-Ukraine War

BBYO will remain steadfast in its enduring commitment to Ukraine and the Jewish teen communities of Ukraine and Russia. BBYO will launch a networking effort with AJT and the JDC to connect all Ukrainian teen refugees around the world, outside Ukraine, with local BBYO (or partner) chapters with complimentary membership and scholarship to support immediate participation.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

18 августа 2022 года

International Board:



Welcoming BBYO’s Newest Communities and Celebrating Growth

We proudly welcome and congratulate the establishment and growth of these communities: Basel, Switzerland; Boulder, Colorado; College Station, Texas; Dublin, Ireland; Tokyo, Japan; Madrid, Málaga, and Melilla, Spain; Montreal, Quebec; Casablanca, Morocco; Orange County, California; Saskatoon, Canada; Glasgow, Scotland; and Singapore.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 февраля 2022 года

International Board:



Reprioritization of the BBYO Stand UP Movement Initiative

The Movement will prioritize Stand UP and include it in the curriculum content of its core summer leadership programs.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 февраля 2022 года

International Board:



Establishing a Rising Leader Award

The Rising Leader Award will be included in the slate of AZA & BBG International Awards.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 февраля 2022 года

International Board:



Creation of the Global Advisory Committee

The Movement establishes a Global Advisory Committee from each of BBYO's Global Hubs.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 февраля 2022 года

International Board:



Allocation of International Service Fund

AZA & BBG will allocate funds from the ISF to the Jordan L. Kronen Charitable Fund, leladeinu, and St. Francis Neighborhood Center.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 февраля 2022 года

International Board:



A Collaborative Review of BBYO’s Code of Conduct

The Movement will update BBYO's Code of Conduct and Community Agreements to celebrate, embrace, and respect consent in all communities.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

17 февраля 2022 года

International Board:



Strengthening BBYO’s Practice of Gender Inclusivity

The Movement will further integrate gender-inclusive language, offer non-gendered programming spaces, require inclusivity responsibilities to chapter and community boards, and create a Gender Inclusivity Committee to provide further recommendations.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 20, 2021

International Board:



Celebrating the Global BBYO Community Growth in Iowa, United States, Malta, and Montenegro

BBYO proudly celebrates the renewed growth and community building in Iowa, United States Malta, and Montenegro.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 20, 2021

International Board:



Celebrating BBYO’s Commitment to Being ‘For Every Jewish Teen’

The Movement’s ‘For Every Jewish Teen’ Campaign will ensure that the opportunity to participate in Jewish teen life regardless of geography is afforded to every Jewish teen anywhere and everywhere. AZA and BBG will commit to creating space for Jewish teens living in smaller, medium-sized, rural, and unique communities (i.e., at boarding schools, on military bases, and in remote communities) throughout the United States by building institutional partnerships, launching new chapters, connecting Jewish teens with immersive experiences and much more.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 20, 2021

International Board:



Reaffirming the Process of Allocation for the International Service Fund (ISF)

BBYO teen leaders reaffirm how the International Service Fund (ISF) will be allocated.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 7, 2021

International Board:



Establishing a 7th Programming Fold: Health

In an effort to diminish risky behavior, self harm, and unhealthy habits among the youth population, the International Constitution of the B'nai B'rith Girls, as well as the BBG Membership Manual (Red Book) shall be updated to add a Programming fold of health.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

25 октября 2020 года

International Board:



Require Consent Talks at all Council, Regional, and International Events

BBYO teen leaders, professionals, and external experts will take the first step in building a comprehensive plan for holding consent discussions and talks and all regional council, country international events.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

25 октября 2020 года

International Board:



Celebrating the Global BBYO Community Growth in Chile, Montreal, and South Africa

We proudly celebrate the renewed growth and community building in Chile, Montreal, and South Africa

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

25 октября 2020 года

International Board:



Establishing a 6th Programming Fold: Health

In an effort to diminish risky behavior, self harm, and unhealthy habits among the youth population, Grand Constitutions as well as teh AZA Membership Manual (Blue Book) shall be updated to including a Programming fold for Health

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

25 октября 2020 года

International Board:



Combatting Anti-Semitism

Effective at the time of the establishment of this motion, BBYO Rise UP, a movement priority focused on combating anti-Semitism, will be established adding it to current movement priorities.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

13 февраля 2020 года

International Board:



Launching Celebrations for the 80th Anniversary of BBYO United Kingdom and Ireland

Our global Movement joins BBYO UK and Ireland as it reaches 80 years, to commemorate its unique and diverse history, and celebrate its many success.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

13 февраля 2020 года

International Board:



Reduce the Use of Plastic at BBYO Events

That there be an annual Movement-wide awareness campaign on caring for the environment to educate members on simple steps to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

13 февраля 2020 года

International Board:



Standing in Solidarity with Mental Health

BBYO shows its support and stands in solidarity with Mental Illness and Health Awareness by establishing a hub-based Health and Wellness support system overseen by Drew Fidler, Director of BBYO's Center for Adolescent Wellness, with mental health professionals designated to each region.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

13 февраля 2020 года

International Board:



Welcoming and Establishing BBYO Nordics

We proudly recognize the establishment and uniting of BBYO Nordics, including Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, to the International Order and our global BBYO Community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

13 февраля 2020 года

International Board:



Create a Latin American Task Force Focused on BBYO International Convention 2021

A BBYO Latin American Task Force will be created on the ILN for FY20 as a unifying platform for collaboration between our Latin American communities to move towards membership, WOW programming, deploy campaigns across the region.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Reaffirming BBYO's Commitment to Zionism and the State of Israel

BBYO will not partner with any organization that the executive body deems stands against any of the three core truths: Israel has a right to exist, it has a right to exist in the land it currently presides in, and the Jewish people are equal to any other people.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Endorsement of Oregon State Senate Bill 664 (Requiring Holocaust and Genocide Education in Public Schools)

Under the leadership of the Civics and Voter Mobilization Task Force, BBYO communities are strongly encouraged to launch a long-term effort toward achieving the ultimate goal of requiring public school curriculum to include a unit of instruction studying genocides around the world.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Affirmation of Order-Wide Focus on Convention Excellence in Fiscal Year 2020

A newfound focus will be placed on community Conventions, spearheaded by the International Board, Executive Body, and S'ganim Network as we utilize the resources available to us to their fullest potential.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Welcome Peru into the Global BBYO Community

We proudly welcome Peru into our global BBYO community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Creation of the Bob Geminder Exemplary Aleph Award in Memoriam of Bob Geminder

As part of BBYO's efforts to celebrate Bob, an annual Bob Geminder Exemplary Aleph Award be established and unveiled at BBYO International Convention 2020.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



AZA and BBG Strive for 10,000 North American Alephs

As the leaders of our respective communities, we the International Executive Body pledge to do everything in our power to strive to recruit ten thousand North American Alephs as members.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Declaring of the Powers of the International Executive Body

This motion clarifies the roles and powers of the executive body in terms of partnerships and appropriations. As well, the roles of the Executive Body will be clear and presented to younger generations.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Renewing BBYO's Support for Sustainability via the Sustainability Task Force on the ILN

AZA & BBG continue to heighten the scope of their efforts toward sustainability within the organization and beyond.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 16, 2019

International Board:



Celebration of AZA & BBG's 15th Anniversary Participating in J-SERVE and 10th Year of Stand UP

As we apporach BBYO's 15th anniversary of participating in J-Serve as well as the 10th anniversary since the creation of Stand UP, we both acknowledge the groundbreaking strides we have made and recognize that our dedication to service will only grow over the years to come.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

March 17, 2019

International Board:



Strengthening BBYO's Commitment to Israel through Education

The Movement Priority titled "Speak UP for Israel" will be changed to "Explore Israel".

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2019 года

International Board:



Establish a Celebration of Siblinghood Between BBG and BBYO Founders Day

Between BBG Founders Day (April 22), and BBYO/AZA Founders Day (May 3) the Movement will participate in a Celebration of Siblinghood to promote visibility to our commitment to ensure inclusivity for all genders.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2019 года

International Board:



Welcoming Australia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic and Vancouver into the Global BBYO Community

We proudly welcome Australia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, and Vancouver into our global BBYO community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2019 года

International Board:



Adopting the Commitment of SafetyRespectEquity (SRE) for BBYO's Teen Leadership

BBYO adopts the 'Commitment of SafetyRespectEquity and adheres to the values of the coalition.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2019 года

International Board:



Celebrating 75 Years of The B'nai B'rith Girls

We celebrate the journey taken by tens of thousands of BBGs before us and acknowledge that now it is our turn to continue building.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

14 февраля 2019 года

International Board:



Modernizing the Operations and Celebration of the International Service Fund

Constitutions will be altered to support ISF changes including no less than 10% of the funds raised each year for the International Service Fund will be put into reserve for the next fiscal year to begin building a long-term treasury savings.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Reducing Language Barriers Across the Global AZA & BBG Movement

A language translation and accessibility subcommittee be formed as a part of the Global Networking Committee in the FY19 Program Year.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Welcome Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan into the Global BBYO Movement

We proudly welcome Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan into our global BBYO Movement.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Change Descriptions of the Cardinal Principle of Patriotism and the Menorah Pledge Principle of Citizenship in the Constitutions

In order to clearly articulate our obligation to each other and the world as global citizens the International and Grand Constitutions as well as the AZA Membership Manual (Blue Book) and BBG Membership Manual (Red Book) shall be updated to include patriotism in a broader sense,

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Renew Focus on the AZA & BBG Founders Society

The Movement renews its focus on strengthening the AZA & BBG Founders Society under the purview of the International Morim and the participation of chapter founders.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Establish an ILN Task Force to Oversee the Constitutional Alignment Grand and International Levels as well as Align with Community Constitutions (Country, Region, Council)

The Constitutional Alignment Task Force be formed via the second round of International Leadership Network applications.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Reaffirmation of Solidarity Against Hate and Celebration of BBYO's Partnership with 'OneDay'

Will begin a full year of taking action by joining the Anti-Defamation League's OneDay initiative as an official movement partner.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Endorsement of Bill - House Resolution 4108, U.S. House of Representatives - Danny's Law

AZA & BBG pledge to mobilize our membership in letter writing campaigns, lobbying efforts, and advocacy pushes to see that Bill H.R. 4108 and others like it around the world are seen to fruition.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Establishment of a Sustainability Task Force on the International Leadership Network (ILN)

The Makers of this motion and the International Board will work together to establish a Sustainability Task Force on the second wave of the International Leadership Network (ILN).

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 10, 2018

International Board:



Welcome Mexico and Colombia into the Global BBYO Community

We proudly welcome Colombia and re-welcome Mexico into the BBYO family as global affiliates and of BBYO Argentina through the partnership with Hebraica, we reaffirm our commitment to expand the Order's network over Latin America together with the Board of Directors and professional staff.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 15, 2018

International Board:



Welcome Kehilat Shanghai (China, ZWST (Germany), and Yachad (Spain) as New Partners

We proudly welcome Kehilat Shanghai of China, ZWST of Germany, and Yachad of Spain into our global BBYO community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 15, 2018

International Board:



Ratify Official Regional Name Changes for Southern: Atlanta, Southern: Dixie and Westchester

Westchester Region will now formally be known as Hudson Valley Region, Dixie Council will now formally join Eastern Region, and Atlanta Council will now become a region, and will be renamed Greater Atlanta Region.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 15, 2018

International Board:



Establish Grand Aleph Gizbor and International Gizborit on the 95th/75th Grand and International Boards

Effective following the election of the 94th Grand Board and 74th International Board an International Gizborit Chair and Grand Gizbor Chair will be established in order to uhold the values of AZA, BBG, and BBYO, and carry out the priorities of fundraising and philanthropy that have previously fallen under the responsibilities of the International Mazkirim.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 15, 2018

International Board:



Celebrating 70 Years of Israeli Independence

On Yom Ha'atzmaut, the 70th Anniversary of Israel's Independence, the International Order of BBYO will collectively celebrate the Jewish State through thoughtful and meaningful Speak UP programming as well as active engagement via social media.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 15, 2018

International Board:



Establishing an International Inclusion Advisory Committee to Broaden Inclusivity Support

The International Leadership Network and International Boards will issue an all-call for a new Advisory Committee, the International Inclusion Advisory Committee.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



Expansion and Establishment of AZAA, BBGG and BBYO Maccabi Sports Leagues

The expansion and establishment of AZAA, BBGG and BBYO-Maccabi sports leagues will be a main initiative of the International Board for the 2017-2018 programming year.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



Inclusion of Jewish Enrichment in AZA BBG Movement Priorities Codification for FY18

Recommit to the five existing Movement Priorities, as our primary pillars of the BBYO movement this year. In addition, we will codify a sixth Movement Priority, Jewish Enrichment, which will mandate that AZA and BBG prioritize resources and attention on strengthening knowledge of Jewish history, customs, and rituals.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



Create an Online Resource for Combatting Anti-Semitism

An online resource dedicated to collecting and sharing materials on combatting anti-Semitism be explored.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



Our Expanding Global Order: A Steward to the Movement

A committee will be comprised to entail and outline how our new international leadership structure could and should best support all of these various grassroots constituents.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



Further Global Inclusivity Through Multilingual Resources

BBYO will work to secure the resources and professional support to prioritize greater translation of our core ritual and tradition resources.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



Affirmation of Solidarity and Standing Against Hate

Re-affirms AZA and BBG's commitment to our Orders and heritages', principles' and, more immediately, issue a statement of solidarity through the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 11, 2017

International Board:



V'ahavta L'reacha Kamocha - Extending Our Hands to Those in Need

We re-proclaim our commitment as a non-partisan organization devoted to inclusion of ALL Jewish teens and further declare our resolute stance against global tragedy, injustice and oppression by engaging in meaningful dialogue with individuals holding differing beliefs, and advocating for causes relevant to each and every global community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Exploratory Committee to Establish a Global Position on Grand and International Board

The viability of such a role be evaluated based on the principles of increasing efficiency in global communication and guaranteeing that teens from every area of the world have a seat at the table.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



AZA BBG Global Shabbat Constitutional Amendment

Moving Global Shabbat in the constitutions of BBG and AZA to be held in December.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Embracing Ahavat Ha'Beriot - Commitment to Love Ourselves and Each Other

BBYO will launch programming modules for all chapters, councils, regions and countries to connect AZA and BBG membership through self-love.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Celebrating 30 Years of BBYO France and 20th Maccabiah Games

All members commemorate and celebrate these milestones with out Brother Alephs and Sister B'nai B'rith Girls in France and Israel.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Welcome Austria, Kazakhstan, Poland and Romania into the Global BBYO Community

BBYO proudly welcomes Austria, Kazakhstan, Poland and Romania into the BBYO family as global affiliates.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Launch the Global Refugees Chapter Initiative

We officially launch the 'Be a Gamechanger for Global Refugees' Chapter Initiative as a resource and tool kit for our grassroots leadership to locate information and programs that can be brought their communities in order to advocate and educate.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Expansion of BBYO in Latin American Jewish Communities

Create a taskforce to explore providing the resources, strategy, and support for the a teen-led expansion of BBYO program across Latin America.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



Launch the BBYO Global Leadership Academy

We celebrate the official launch of the Global Leadership Academy at BBYO International Convention and begin the process of helping our bothers and sisters demonstrate their skillsets and experience to the world outside of BBYO.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2017

International Board:



International Service Fund (ISF) Disaster Relief Text Fund

BBYO will activate an ISF text hotline in case of disaster in an effort to provide aid and relief for those who have been affected by tragedy.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 12, 2016

International Board:



Mark Tu B'Av as a Movement-wide Celebration of Love and Acceptance for All

Tu B'Av will be celebrated as a day to honor deep friendships formed in BBYO and our community's values for every member, prospect or Jewish teen worldwide that may be seeking a similar environment.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 12, 2016

International Board:



Establishing the Arevut Speak UP Israel Award

Members will have the opportunity to apply for the Arevut Speak UP for Israel Award in recognition of their Speak UP efforts throughout the year.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 12, 2016

International Board:



Recommended On-Boarding for Eighth Grade Members into AZA and BBG

Eighth graders be welcomed at chapter experiences preceding July 1 of their eighth grade year and participate in council and regional activities - including conventions- following the start of their second semester.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 12, 2016

International Board:



Mandating Annual BBYO Stand UP Renewal

Chapters will renew their Stand UP causes every year with the three step process of assessing, establishing, and launching causes while utilizing Stand UP Resources.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 12, 2016

International Board:



Zero Folds for BBG International Elections

BBG's running for any position on International Board will no longer be able to fold their platforms effective at AZABBGIC2016 during the election of the 72nd BBG Board.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Welcome Cuba into the BBYO Community

We proudly welcome Cuba into the BBYO family as official global affiliates.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Further Collaboration Between Staff and Teen Leaders

Teen leaders and regional staff agree to collaborate on appropriate goal setting and planning; specifically around membership and programming.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Create an AZA and BBG Founders Society

Individual members involved in establishing new chapters across the Movement be recognized and placed in a community deemed the "AZA Founders Society", "BBG Founders Society" respectively.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Create a Committee for Advancing BBYO Chapters

For the 2016-2017 programming year the International N'siah and Grand Aleph Godol will create a committee that will establish the resources pertaining to BBYO Chapter Programs and Rituals.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Leverage BBYO Technology to Connect our International Order

The Global Networking Committee (GNC), in partnership with all Country, Regional/Council, and Chapter Mazkirim and Gizborim will work to effectively communicate the new BBYO website and its resources to all our communities.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Accept Updated AZA Constitution

Accept the updated version of the AZA Constitution as of 2016.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Create a Greater Emphasis on Health

A task force of BBYO teens and professionals will be assembled to identify ways "Health and Wellness" can be made a movement priority for BBYO International.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Welcome Belarus and Russia into the Global BBYO Community and Celebrate the Full Partnership between BBYO and Active Jewish Teens (AJT)

We proudly welcome Belarus and Russia into the BBYO family as official global affiliates, as well as celebrate the partnership of BBYO and every AJT community in the world.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Broadening BBYO's International Service Fund as Philanthropic Tool for Impact

Motion to expand BBYO's International Service fund to focus on; international need-based scholarships, grassroots charity, awards for honorees.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:
